ROvACC Training Procedure
Approval date: 25 FEB 2025
Effective date: 01 MAR 2025
Approved by Daniel Hăineală 1191352 | vACC ATD Director
Approved by George Enciu 1364858 | vACC Director
Created by Teodor Petrică 1427633 | Operations
Version 1.1
This document defines the procedures of the Training Department within vACC Romania (herein referred to as ROVACC or VATSIM Romania). Use it as a reference for VATSIM Romania members in case of any doubts.
Do not use this document outside vACC Romania, including in real-world aviation or other networks, without prior written permission from the vACC Romania Director and the vACC Romania Training Director.
Please note that this document does not contain sensitive data and its content is inspired by GCAP, DTP, and other policies at the level of VATSIM.
GCAP: Global Controller Administration Policy. The purpose of this document is to define access to Air Traffic Control positions for VATSIM account holders and to maintain a standard of quality Air Traffic Control service. This document was approved by the Board of Governors.
DTP: Division Training Policy. This policy shall clarify and specify global VATSIM policies for ATC training within VATEUD.
RTP: ROvACC Training Procedure (this document)
Controller rating: OBS, S1, S2, S3, C1
Trainee: Any VATSIM member who applied for VATSIM ATC training (any rating) or is subject to training.
Note: A member who has completed a rating or endorsement but does not apply for the next rating or endorsement is no longer considered to be a trainee.vACC: A subdivision within VATEUD.
vACC ATD: vACC ATC Training Department. It consists of the vACC ATD lead and all vACC ATD examiners/mentors.
vACC ATD lead: vACC ATD Director and Deputy Director. At least one vACC ATD lead member must hold a minimum rating of C1. A vACC ATD lead member is also a vACC examiner.
vACC examiners: Examiners who can examine CPTs. They are appointed by the vACC ATD lead. Any vACC examiner must have been a vACC mentor before with reasonable mentoring experience for the rating which they can examine. Any vACC examiner must hold a minimum rating of S3.
vACC mentor: vACC ATD members who may train trainees. They are appointed by the vACC ATD lead. Any vACC mentor must hold a minimum rating of S2. The mentor must hold the rating or endorsement for which they train a trainee.
Lesson: A theoretical session of a mentor with at least one trainee.
Training session: A practical training session of a mentor with one trainee. This may be online on the network or on a simulator server. Multiple trainees may observe a training.
OTS: Over the shoulder session. A training session conducted by a vACC mentor who has not previously been involved in the current training process with the respective trainee. During this session, the mentor evaluates specific competencies to determine if the trainee is ready to proceed to the next training stage. Once the trainee passes the OTS assessment, they are granted SOLO validation or a specific endorsement.
CPT: Controller Practical Test. A practical exam. If it is passed, a new VATSIM controller rating will be granted to the examinee.
OJT: On the job training. A part of the training where the trainee provides air traffic service, while there is another mentor supervising the process.
Controller privilege: Anything which enables a VATSIM member to staff an ATC position. This includes a vACC roster entry, a tier 1 endorsement, a tier 2 endorsement or a solo endorsement.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedures
LOP: Local Operation Procedures
Training Timeline
3.1. Training airports
- Definition: Airports at which training can take place.
- Solo endorsements can only be issued and CPTs only be held at training airports.
- The trainee may choose at which airport they are trained. A vACC ATD may force a trainee to be trained at a specific airport: LROP, LRTR, LRBS, LUKK.
3.2. OBS to S1
- The trainee starts with an OBS rating.
- To start the training process, the future trainee must apply online via a web form. Once the application is completed, the trainee will be added to the training queue and notified by the vACC ATD.
- The trainee will be informed once a mentor is assigned for the rating process.
Training sessions will be conducted as needed until the trainee reaches a satisfactory level of knowledge and competency for the control position.
Note: For this rating, all training sessions will be conducted on a simulator server.Once the trainee is ready to control on their own, the VATEUD S1 exam will be assigned. The trainee must take the exam on their own. If passed, the trainee will be granted with the S1 rating.
- The trainee will be added to the vACC’s controller roster once the S1 theory exam is successfully completed. Although listed on the roster, it is recommended that the mentor supervises the trainee for at least one online session as OJT.
- With the S1 rating, the trainee is allowed to staff any unrestricted airport GND position within the vACC, provided they have successfully completed the required theoretical lesson for those positions. Note: The theoretical session is conducted by one of the mentors appointed by the vACC ATD Lead.
3.3. S1 to S2
- The trainee is required to control 25 hours on the network before continuing with this training step.
- The trainee is also required to have actively controlled in the weeks preceding their application and leading up to the start of their S2 training.
- 3.2.2. applies.
- S2 training can only be held at a training airport.
The trainee will be trained up to a level at which familiarisation with the specific station is the primary concern.
Note: The initial training sessions will be conducted on a simulator server. OJT may be included as part of the training either before or after the OTS assessment.Once this level is achieved, the VATEUD S2 exam will be provided by VATEUD. The trainee must take the exam on their own.
- Once the S2 exam is passed, the mentor will propose the trainee internally for an OTS session with a different mentor, as a cross-check. If the trainee passes the OTS, they will be granted a solo endorsement.
- A solo endorsement is valid for a maximum of 30 days. Within this period, a CPT must be held. If a CPT cannot be conducted within this timeframe, an additional 15 days of solo endorsement can be issued upon request, but only if a CPT is scheduled within those last 15 days.
- After these 45 days, the trainee is no longer permitted to continue the solo endorsement, unless for special reasons and only if a CPT is scheduled (within the 46-60 days period).
- If the trainee fails to complete the CPT within 60 days of the solo endorsement , the current training will be terminated, and the trainee will not be eligible to apply for the same rating for one year. After this period, the trainee must restart the training process from the beginning.
- After the solo endorsement is validated, additional training sessions should be conducted during the active solo period to closely monitor the trainee’s progress. These sessions can be scheduled at the discretion of either the mentor or the trainee.
- A trainee holding a SOLO endorsement must log in to the network using the designated trainee position format: ICAO_T_TWR for the respective unit.
- The CPT must examine GND and TWR competencies.
- The S2 rating is issued after a passed S2 CPT.
3.4. S2 - Procedural
- An S2 rated controller must have a minimum of 10 actively controlled hours before requesting procedural control training from the vACC ATD Lead.
- The vACC ATD Lead will assign the training to a designated mentor.
- The training program will consist of: one theoretical session covering general procedural control principles, two practical training sessions conducted on a simulator server, one additional theoretical lesson.
- If, after completing these sessions, the S2 controller is still unable to effectively control procedural traffic, the vACC ATD Lead will schedule a check-up session to assess their progress.
- The assigned mentor is responsible for issuing the validation for controlling procedural airports.
- The mentor will continuously monitor the progress of the trained controllers to ensure competency to procedural control standards.
3.5. S2 to S3
The trainee is required to control 50 hours on TWR positions after receiving S2 rating before continuing with this training step.
Note: The trainee is required to obtain the S2 - Procedural endorsement before applying for this phase of training.The trainee is also required to have actively controlled in the weeks preceding their application and leading up to the start of their S3 training.
- 3.2.2. applies.
- S3 training can only be held at a training airport.
The trainee will be trained up to a level at which familiarisation with the specific station is the primary concern.
Note: The initial training sessions will be conducted on a simulator server. OJT may be included as part of the training either before or after the OTS assessment.Once this level is achieved, the VATEUD S3 exam will be provided by VATEUD. The trainee must take the exam on their own.
- Once the S3 exam is passed, the mentor will propose the trainee internally for an OTS session with a different mentor, as a cross-check. If the trainee passes the OTS, they will be granted a solo endorsement.
- A solo endorsement is valid for a maximum of 30 days. Within this period, a CPT must be held. If a CPT cannot be conducted within this timeframe, an additional 15 days of solo endorsement can be issued upon request, but only if a CPT is scheduled within those last 15 days.
- After these 45 days, the trainee is no longer permitted to continue the solo endorsement, unless for special reasons and only if a CPT is scheduled (within the 46-60 days period).
- If the trainee fails to complete the CPT within 60 days of the solo endorsement , the current training will be terminated, and the trainee will not be eligible to apply for the same rating for one year. After this period, the trainee must restart the training process from the beginning.
- After the solo endorsement is validated, additional training sessions should be conducted during the active solo period to closely monitor the trainee’s progress. These sessions can be scheduled at the discretion of either the mentor or the trainee.
- A trainee holding a SOLO endorsement must log in to the network using the designated trainee position format: ICAO_T_APP for the respective unit.
- The CPT must examine APP competencies.
- The S3 rating is issued after a passed S3 CPT.
3.6. S3 to C1
- The trainee is required to control 50 hours on APP positions after receiving S3 rating before continuing with this training step.
- The trainee is also required to have actively controlled in the weeks preceding their application and leading up to the start of their C1 training.
- 3.2.2. applies.
C1 training can only be held in a CTR sector. The CTR training sector must provide sufficient traffic complexity to prepare a trainee to cover airports top-down and to frequently train all common separation techniques.
Note: The C1 training may be conducted either on a simulator server or online on VATSIM, at the discretion of the assigned mentor. Both training methods are allowed; however, online sessions on VATSIM must serve as the primary training format for this stage.The vACC ATD may impose a trainee to participate in additional training sessions on APP positions before starting the C1 training. If the trainee does not sufficiently master a specific control area, they must demonstrate qualification to proceed with C1 training, which may involve random training sessions prior to beginning the C1 training.
- The trainee will be trained up to a level where familiarisation with the designated CTR training sector becomes the primary concern. Once this level is achieved, the VATEUD C1 exam will be provided by VATEUD. The trainee must take the exam on their own.
- Once the C1 exam is passed, a solo endorsement for the CTR sector will be issued by the mentor.
- A solo endorsement is valid for a maximum of 30 days. Within this period, a CPT must be held. If a CPT cannot be conducted within this timeframe, an additional 15 days of solo endorsement can be issued upon request, but only if a CPT is scheduled within those last 15 days.
- After these 45 days, the trainee is no longer permitted to continue the solo endorsement, unless for special reasons and only if a CPT is scheduled (within the 46-60 days period).
- If the trainee fails to complete the CPT within 60 days of the solo endorsement, the current training will be terminated, and the trainee will not be eligible to apply for the same rating for one year. After this period, the trainee must restart the training process from the beginning.
- After the solo endorsement is validated, additional training sessions should be conducted during the active solo period to closely monitor the trainee’s progress. These sessions can be scheduled at the discretion of either the mentor or the trainee.
- A trainee holding a SOLO endorsement must log in to the network using the designated trainee position format: ICAO_T_CTR for the respective unit.
- The CPT must examine all ATC competencies.
- The C1 rating is issued after a passed C1 CPT.
3.7. All full vACC members who are listed in the vACC’s controller roster are allowed to control on unrestricted positions if they hold the required controller rating and endorsements.
3.8. All controllers are required to study the SOP/LOP of an airport before they log in as a controller on this airport.
3.9. Significant deficiencies in service quality or a substantial lack of SOP/LOP knowledge may lead to actions as outlined in section 6.
3.10. The VATEUD exam is conducted on the VATEUD Core portal and is assigned to the trainee by the vACC ATD Lead upon request of their mentor.
3.11. If a trainee fails to pass the exam, they will be unable to proceed with the training process until they successfully pass it. However, they may continue training sessions on the simulator server during this period. The required waiting time before retaking the exam is one week.
3.12. If a trainee fails the theoretical exam on their second attempt, the underperforming procedure will be initiated. Section 7 shall apply.
Waiting Lists
- Any training with a trainee who has already had another training session within the same training stage should be prioritised over requests by other trainees to start a new training stage.
- The waiting list is processed in the order of application, following a first-come, first-served rule.
- Trainees who do not respond to training offers by ATD members for two weeks may be removed from the waiting list.
- Any trainee, who holds the S1 rating or any higher rating but is removed from the vACC controller roster, can be removed from all waiting lists.
- Trainees who actively contribute to the VATSIM Community through a staff position or by mentoring frequently within the vACC Romania may receive slight prioritisation over those who do not. Note: This prioritisation is at the discretion of the vACC ATD leadership.
Activity Requirement
- vACC ATD established the activity for visiting controllers, home controllers, tier 1 and tier 2 endorsements.
- The activity requirements for all controllers is a minimum of 5 hours of controlling within any rolling 6 months period.
- Controllers’ activity will be reviewed monthly to ensure compliance with this requirement.
Not meeting activity requirements leads to removal of the corresponding controlling privileges.
Note: The controller will be informed about the privileges which are removed.If controlling privileges have been removed due to inactivity or lack of currency, the controller must follow the process to regain them, as stated below.
- An oral theoretical examination will be conducted before any practical session. If the oral exam is not passed, the practical session will not proceed. No more than one practical session will be required to restore any specific controlling privilege.
- If the performance of the trainee is unsatisfactory in the practical session, the related controlling privilege shall still be issued; however, a mandatory follow-up session may be required. If the trainee continues to demonstrate an unacceptable level of competency , section 6.2 shall apply.
Competency requirements
- Endorsements can be removed with the currency requirements procedure outlined above. The removal of an endorsement does not need to be connected to the full removal of a controller from a vACC’s controller roster.
- Controllers who fail to remain competent as per GCAP standards can be warned by the vACC ATD lead. At least two training sessions shall be scheduled to resolve the situation.
- Regaining controlling privileges which were removed as described at point 2 may require a theory exam and a practical session.
Underperforming Trainees
- Definition: A trainee who performs significantly worse than the average trainee.
- After three training sessions in a specific stage of training, a mentor may inform the vACC ATD lead that the trainee’s performance is consistently and significantly below average.
- If the vACC ATD lead agrees, they must inform the trainee that they are considered to be potentially underperforming. The trainee will then have two additional training sessions with approved vACC examiners to attempt to resolve the situation.
- If the vACC examiners determine that substantial progress has been made, regular training with the trainee will continue. If the examiners conclude that the trainee’s performance remains significantly below the expected standard at this stage and that successful completion of the training is unlikely, the examiner will inform both the vACC ATD lead and the trainee that the trainee is underperforming.
- The vACC ATD lead will determine the duration of the training pause for the trainee is paused, not exceeding a maximum period of six months.
- Any CPT shall examine whether the examinee is able to handle a normal amount of traffic safely and efficiently.
- At least one approved vACC examiner needs to examine an S2 and S3 CPT.
- At least two approved vACC examiners need to examine the C1 CPT.
- The VATEUD CPT guidelines and this policy need to be followed.
- The decision of the examiners is final.
- vACC ATD may invite VATEUD examiners to attend the C1 CPTs.
- The vACC examiners should connect on the VATSIM network using the letter “X” for S2 and S3 CPTs and “X1” and “X2” for C1 CPTs.
- To prevent congestion in CPT scheduling, no more than two TWR trainees under solo validation may be validated within the same calendar week.
- A CPT may be scheduled only if both the vACC ATD Lead and the trainee mutually agree on the date.
- The trainee must have actively controlled under a SOLO endorsement before having their CPT.
Fast Track Procedure
- Ratings are not directly connected to additional endorsements.
- Fast Track candidates are treated as regular vACC controllers when it comes to priority in the training process.
- This process may be applied for IVAO controllers, real-world ATCOs and airline pilots.
- VATEUD Fast Track Procedure applies.
Visiting Controllers
- To become a visitor within vACC Romania, a member shall meet the following requirements:
- 90 days shall have passed since the last permanent rating upgrade.
- 90 days shall have passed since the last recorded transfer of home facilities.
- 50 hours shall have been controlled with the last awarded permanent controller rating
- Hold an S2 rating if the home vACC is within the VATEUD.
- Hold an S3 rating if the home vACC is outside of the VATEUD.
- A visiting controller is expected to have knowledge on how to operate the positions of the respective rating they hold.
- A visiting controller must apply through the VATEUD Core portal and provide a reference. The applicant is required to have a recommendation from their local ATD or Director, endorsing them for the position of a visiting controller.
- A visiting controller must maintain activity similar to that of local controllers, 5.2 applies.
- A visiting controller must ensure they control at least 50% of their online connected time in their home division during each rolling month.
- For a visiting controller to be endorsed or validated on the vACC roster, they must read and understand the local SOP/LOP for the position they are approved for, as per rating, complete and pass a theoretical exam.
- For APP and CTR positions, the visiting controllers must participate in at least one training session with a vACC mentor.
- Any member of vACC Romania with a rating of S2 or higher may become a mentor in the ATC Training Department.
Naming members is entirely done at the discretion of the vACC ATD lead team. \
Note: To be eligible for a mentor position, a member must meet the following criteria:- Be in good standing with VATSIM and local vACC rules.
- Have a clear understanding of the role of a mentor.
- Show interest in the mentoring position.
- Have previously demonstrated strong controller competencies that reflect their capability to guide, teach and train others.
- Demonstrate proficiency in English and/or Romanian at an intermediate or higher level of comprehensive and speaking in order to communicate with their trainees in English and/or Romanian.
Only the designated vACC mentors are allowed to conduct training activities with the trainees.
No other vACC mentor is allowed to conduct training activities with trainees other than their own, unless authorised by the primary mentor or by the vACC ATD lead.
Note: 7.4. appliesvACC mentors represent the image of the vACC ATD and the vACC itself. For this reason, mentors are encouraged to remain in good standing with VATSIM regulations and maintain positive relationships with others.
Note: Multiple reports regarding a mentor’s behaviour may result in their removal from the mentoring team.vACC mentors must ensure they stay up to date with any procedure changes and that the teaching process remains smooth.
- vACC mentors are expected not to share personal data or student status with anyone outside of the vACC ATD team. Any unauthorised distribution is subject to the Data Protection and Handling Policy.
- vACC mentors must be capable of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and ensure they deliver the same high-quality training to all students.
- vACC mentors are required to propose at least one date every two weeks when they are available to train their students. Ideally, mentors should aim for one session per week, at least. This generally means dedicating an average of at least one hour per week to the Training Department.
- vACC mentors must arrive at each session fully prepared, with clear objectives and goals. This preparation includes developing a comprehensive lesson plan specific to the individual needs of the trainee.
- vACC mentors must provide appropriate feedback in a respectful manner and conduct a debrief that allows the trainee to reflect on their performance. This includes offering constructive feedback that will help the student improve their skills and abilities.
- vACC mentors must have at least four trainees within any rolling six-months period to maintain their mentor status.
- A vACC mentor who is unable to continue their mentoring duties due to time constraints may formally request to step down by notifying the vACC ATD Lead and vACC Director.
- A controller who previously served as a vACC mentor and wishes to return to the mentor role must inform the vACC ATD lead and receive approval to resume the position. 11.6. applies.
Trainees Commitment
- Trainees must be fully committed to their training and ensure they are available for self study and scheduled training sessions.
- Trainees must contact their mentor within 7 days of receiving the mentor allocation official information.
- Trainees must maintain regular communication with their mentor regarding their progress.
Trainees should propose at least one training session date every two weeks.
Note:</> It is in the trainee’s best interest to allocate time for training and proactively propose dates for training sessions.Trainees should be aware that their mentor is volunteering their time and should respect the mentor’s effort by:
- Arriving at each session well-prepared, with questions and concerns ready or shared with the mentor in advance;
- Arriving on time for all schedules sessions and notifying the mentor as early as possible if any unplanned issue affect punctuality;
- Informing the mentor as soon as possible if they need to cancel a session.Note: Repeated cancellations or late attendance may lead to an investigation of the trainee’s eligibility for training.
- If a trainee fails to attend two consecutive sessions without notifying their mentor, the mentor reserves the right to discontinue the trainee’s mentorship, thereby resulting in the suspension of the training process.
Trainees should inform their mentor of any absence longer than two weeks due to holidays, exams or other commitments.
- Should circumstances arise necessitating a pause in training due to real-life obligations, the trainee is required to inform the vATD Lead to facilitate the cancellation of the training process.
- Trainees must understand and comply with these responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the training request. 7.3. applies, 7.5. applies.
- OJT is recommended to take part in the training process. 3.3.11., 3.5.11., 3.6.11 applies.
Additionally, OJT may be conducted at the request of either the trainee or the mentor, following validation or solo endorsement, to closely monitor the trainee’s controlling skills on the live network. \
Note: A mentor may decide to conduct one or more OJT sessions before the OTS validation for the purpose of granting a SOLO endorsement. This is explicitly recommended for S3 rating training.If the mentor chooses to perform OJT with the trainee from a higher control position, the mentor must be able to closely monitor the trainee’s progress.
- If the mentor chooses to perform OJT from the same control position as the trainee, they are encouraged to connect to the VATSIM network using a callsign with “M” as the middle letter. (e.g., ICAO_M_TWR, ICAO_M_APP, ICAO_M_CTR) \
Version Control
Version | Date | Editor | Changes |
1.0 | 02 OCT 2024 | 1427633 | Initial release |
1.1 | 01 MAR 2025 | 1427633 | Updates on S2 - Procedural, rephrases, add notes |